Tuesday, April 21, 2009

See Paris Run!

I ran a 10K on Sunday. Yes, I really ran the WHOLE thing. The weather in Santa Cruz was beautiful. The company was entertaining. My adrenaline was pumping. So...I just kept running! I was unstoppable. Sure, my pace was a bit slow, but I didn't care. There will be a next time. Everything about the day was PERFECT. Thank you Melissa, Amy, and Celeste! Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but I seriously couldn't have done it without them. Wow...I sound like I'm collecting some medal, which is definitely not the case. In the end, my body never ceases to amaze me. *Knute thought this last line sounded egotistical. What I meant was, the things my body can do ceases to amaze me (example: give birth). OK. I'll stop now.


Jennifer said...

Nice! You did it. :)

Heather said...

Way to go Paris! So proud of you. That is quite an accomplishment and so fun that you girls got to do it together.