Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Road Trip Part 3

I've lost my steam on these road trip blogs, but that doesn't mean the third leg was any less exciting. We spent the remainder of the trip (4 days) in San Diego. We had images of building sand castles on the beach and lying around the pool drinking fruity beverages, but the weather didn't exactly cooperate. Fortunately, we had a couple sunny days, but Knute was extremely disappointed to have had food poisoning for one of them. It was terrible. I felt horrible for him. He felt horrible for himself. Ellie and I spent the day at the San Diego Zoo while he remained prisoner in the hotel room. After a quick recovery, we were able to enjoy the last day of our trip in La Jolla walking along the beaches, eating (at least on my part), and getting in a little shopping (but there are only so many fine jewelry stores you can drool over). It was a great way to end the trip. We enjoyed a wonderful vacation with our little family of three (for now).


Jacquie said...

It was fun following the adventures of your Southern Cal trip...lots of fun times and great pics...nothing beats the excitement of a stroll thru Disneyland with a little one!!

Allison Holmes said...

I love Ellie in your sunglasses! She looks just like her mommy! SO sorry about Knute's food poisoning, but it sounds like you had an amazing trip. can't wait to hear more about it! xoxo

Scott McMillan said...

Please read my updated blog post. I love it and so will you!! Can't wait to see you on Tue. It was so fun hanging out at Woodlands