Monday, October 18, 2010

October Makes me Happy

This is the first day it feels like fall to me. The 10 day weather forecast is very exciting. In celebration, I put on some super cozy pants that I may never take off and made red beans and rice for dinner. The Halloween decorations aren't looking quite as silly. It's hard to get in the spirit when it's climbing over 90 degrees outside. We also went to the Disney Store today in a third attempt to get Ellie a Halloween costume. She is going to dress up as Tinker Bell and seems to be pretty content with that for now. It doesn't really matter because I'm not returning another costume. She has a wand, but won't wear a crown. My two year old is VERY opinionated these days. Sometimes it's entertaining, but at other times I want to pull my hair out in frustration. On a bad day, we go through three or four outfit changes. The pink sparkle shoes that I thought were once cute have seen better days. That's because she refuses to wear anything else. I even got the same pair in purple (smart, right?), but that was a no go. They've sat untouched in her closet amongst other pretty shoes that have never been worn. I am trying to pick my battles wisely.

In other Ellie news, she is adjusting well to preschool. Today she came home with her first "boo boo" report for tripping and bumping her head along with a letter that someone in the school has been diagnosed with a case of head lice. Great news! However, I think the benefits of having her there six hours a week far outweigh a little lice (hopefully).

Here are a few recent pictures of Ellie enjoying her favorite part of any birthday party (the cupcakes, of course) and the obligatory pumpkin patch pix:

*I didn't take these pictures, but I thought they were kind of cool.


tuesday27 said...

October is one of my favorite months too! But I love that we have something extra to look forward to in November!

Jen said...

I love the cupcake photos!!