True to form, Ellie turned three on
June 24th, but I decided to take the opportunity to write about it over two months later. You see, I felt like I needed a better idea of what this new age entails. How am I supposed to know what it's like to have a three year old without testing the waters for a couple months?
I thought I would ask the best source, Elizabeth Bucklew herself, what it's like to be three:
Mommy: Ellie, I'm going to ask you a few questions, okay?
Ellie: Maybe later, okay? (no, actually now would be a good time)
Mommy: What is your favorite color?
Ellie: Pink (this sometimes changes to brown, depending on her mood)
Mommy: What is Daddy's favorite color?
Ellie: Blue (this is true)
Mommy: What is my favorite color?
Ellie: RED!!! (It's Pink, but that's pretty close)
Mommy: Who is your best friend at preschool?
Ellie: Miss Julie came by my new classroom to say "hi." She said she misses me.
Mommy: I know how much you like Miss Julie. Who is your best friend at preschool?
Ellie: Jo Jo and Grayson (last week it was Owen and Sarah, but this really is a loaded question and probably something I shouldn't ask. It just sets someone up for hurt feelings, you know?)
Mommy: What did you do at school today?
Ellie: I had snack. I fell down on the playground. Then I had some ice and I was holding Mope, but I feel better now (thankfully her teacher already told me this).
Mommy: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Ellie: chocolate, vanilla, and chocolate chip (maybe we should have a lesson on the meaning of the word favorite).
Mommy: What is your favorite food?
Ellie: Cookies (I don't like this answer, but it's an interview and I should state the truth).
Mommy: What else?
Ellie: Chocolate (I don't like this answer either)
Mommy: What do you like to eat for dinner?
Ellie: Cantaloupe (not totally true, but thata girl!)
Mommy: What do you want to be for Halloween?
Ellie: Wags the Dog (a character from the Wiggles)
Mommy: I thought you wanted to be a ladybug?
Ellie: I thought I wanted to be Wags the Dog!
Mommy: What is Tate going to be for Halloween?
Ellie: An Elephant! I like Elephants! Do you like Elephants Mommy?
Mommy: Yes, I like elephants. What is your favorite animal?
Ellie: ummmmm.....my favorite animal is....ummmm....an elephant, a zebra, and a green frog (again, we should probably work on the word favorite).
*It is taking longer to answer questions and I can tell her attention span is fading quickly. This interview is over.
A few things about Ellie at age three:
Ellie has 7 "lovies" she sleeps with every night (Mope, Nola, Moochie Cat, Sophie, Peter Rabbit, Baby Elephant, and Halfie).
Her bedtime routine is ridiculous. She has many rituals.
Ellie loves to make up songs and has some very exaggerated dance moves to go along with them. I think she gets it from watching Barney.
Favorite shows are Barney, Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Little Einsteins
She likes to draw pictures of rainbows and cats, then asks for us to hang them around the house.
Did I mention she is obsessed with cats????
Ellie has a wild imagination, which has been interesting to watch develop in the past year. She likes to use the calculator as a phone and has very detailed conversations on it, usually with her Grandparents.
She loves to swim and we are very proud of her for doing so well with her lessons this summer.
Ellie prefers smaller groups and usually has a very shy nature. I find this interesting, because she is quite the opposite at home.
Favorite food is typically pasta (does mac and cheese count?)
Ellie likes to wear band-aids even when she doesn't need them. She asks to get her nails and toes painted often, wants to wear perfume, matches things to wear (which sometimes results in over-matching)
She is a very nurturing and sweet big sister. Tate thinks she is the funniest, most entertaining person to ever walk this earth.
Ellie likes to keep us on our toes and we are looking forward to what the next year brings. We love you Ellie and can't imagine the last three years without you in it.