I'm not sure why, but I have a lot of New Year's Resolutions this year. It's actually kept me up at night thinking about them. I've never really taken them seriously before. Some years I failed to even make any, but this time is different. I plan to really hold myself accountable. Some are big and some are smaller. I want to drink more water (and less wine), organize every single closet in our house, run a Half Marathon this spring, go to church more frequently, read great books and less Us Weekly, and the list goes on. Most importantly, I want to be a better person.
A Better Daughter. This was my first role in life. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at this one after 28 years (although there were a few rough patches in High School and College), but I'm sure there are always areas for improvement.
A Better Sister. I forgot to send my one and only brother a Christmas card this year. Can you believe that? One of the most important people in my life. He was pretty hurt to say the least (and I definitely heard about it). I neglected to get his new address. To my credit, he's moved several times over the last few years, but there is still no excuse. I feel terrible. I promise to send him a Christmas card next year.
A Better Friend. A lot of my close girlfriends (and cousins) are spread throughout the country. I am not the greatest at keeping in touch. I think about them every single day, but sometimes picking up the phone seems like a chore (I'm not much of a phone person). Then weeks pass (sometimes months), and I avoid calling even more because I know there's so much to catch up on. Don't they know how much I love them? Unfortunately, that isn't enough. I will continue to try and get better at keeping in touch.
A Better Wife. I need for my husband to feel more appreciated. He works so hard for his family. He makes it possible for me to stay home with our daughter, which is what I've always wanted to do. I need to tell him this more often instead of just assuming he knows. I need to give him ten minutes to change his clothes, say hello, and hear how his day was when he gets home from work instead of asking him to take out the trash, clean up dog crap, etc. Surely this can't be too difficult.
A Better Mother. When I was pregnant I had visions of hanging out and playing on the floor all day with Ellie. Unfortunately, it doesn't exactly work like this. There's always so much laundry, bottles to clean, appointments to make, phone calls to return, errands to run, places to go, dinner to make, a dog to walk, gifts to buy, etc. Sometimes I don't know where the day goes. She's only a baby for so long. Soon she'll be talking back to me and throwing temper tantrums in the middle of the grocery store (not my sweet Ellie). I want to have just one day a week where all we do is play and spend one-on-one time together. The grocery store and laundry can hold off for a day. There's typically nothing really that pressing that I do. I hope she doesn't get sick of me.
A Better Dog Owner. I love Rudy. I really do. I'm afraid he may not know this. I complain about him a lot. I yell at him a lot. He is a
special dog that requires a lot of love and attention. He likes scrambled eggs, plenty of walks, and lots of petting. His needs are quite basic really. The sooner I realize and accept this the better off we'll all be.
I'm sure I've missed so much, but there's a start. Today was a good day. I drank lots of water, organized a whole closet, and gave the dog a fair amount of attention. It's a start.