Sunday, January 3, 2010

How Time Flies

I'm not exactly sure where the last month went. It must have gotten lost in a whirlwind of fun Christmas festivities, food, friends, and family. We are looking forward to everything 2010 has in store for us. A few highlights of Christmas 2009:

Ellie had the pleasure of sitting on Santa's lap. I thought she might recognize her Grandpa's friendly face behind the scary looking beard, but apparently not. Why are children expected to sit on a strange (to them) man's lap with an overgrown beard? It's kind of an odd concept, but I'll reserve my deep thoughts for a later post.

Ellie was in hog heaven with all the yummy Christmas treats.Christmas Eve marked 18 months with our dear, sweet Ellie. I know...I can't believe it either. She is an absolute joy (most days) and has enriched our lives in the most incredible way. I need to get some professional pictures taken of her this month. I wish I could freeze these precious moments with her forever in time.We hosted our first Christmas at our house with the Hooks family (Dane decided to spend Christmas Eve in San Francisco with his girlfriend). It was a sad loss for us, but we were excited for him. I don't think I've ever spent a Christmas Eve apart from my brother.
The little Sugar Plum Fairy woke up to a Christmas morning filled with so much love, so many toys, and a serious case of bed head.

We headed to Napa the day after Christmas for a fun day of wine tasting.
Dane joined us with his beautiful girlfriend, Colleen.

After all the company had left and we were left with an empty house and a depressed dog (who is never short on attention when my family visits) we rung in 2010 with good food, an ample amount of champagne, and wonderful friends.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Looks like a very Merry Christmas for Ellie and your fam. Loved all the pics. Especially her with pigtails. Can't wait til I can do that with Roman's hair. Ha ha! Cheers to 2010. LOVE YOU!