Monday, September 21, 2009

A Farewell to Summer

Despite the triple digit temperatures here in the East Bay, today marks the last day of summer. I think it's about time to say farewell. We had many wonderful memories, but now we're ready to move onto a new, crisper season. I am in need of cooler weather, yellow and orange hues, the smell of firewood, and a warm bowl of tomato soup. I want to bundle my Tot up in cozy little sweaters, feed her sweet apple cider, and toss her in a big pile of leaves! Doesn't this all sound so wonderful and nostalgic? In all honesty, I am so SICK of wearing tank tops and faded Capri pants. Yes, I never fail to disappoint with my true reasons that involve vanity. Unfortunately, I think it may be a few more weeks of heat. I'm just getting a bit restless...

We spent this last weekend attending an A's game (I don't think I watched a single inning, but the fireworks were pretty remarkable). On Saturday, we surprised Claudia with a 60th Birthday Party. As if we didn't get enough in, we then headed to the Lafayette Art & Wine Festival on Sunday. I've come to the realization that we are kind of Festival junkies.

Here are a few pictures of the BIG surprise:

The very lovely and surprised Birthday Girl. An important job....collecting rocks with Uncle Buck.Ellie is saying "Happy Birthday Nana!"The Bucklew Family, Take OneThe Bucklew Family, Take 6

1 comment:

The Great Lake said...

The first day of Fall always makes me think of you. Your favorite season P! It's cold and rainy here today and there's talk of snow for our morning drive...ugh. Miss you tons and Happy Birthday!!!