Monday, May 24, 2010

Road Trip Part 1

We packed up our bags and headed out on a little eight day Southern California excursion. Sounds simple enough, right? It actually involved a tremendous amount of planning and preparation, which is part of the joy in traveling with an almost two year old. Of course it was all well worth it in the end. Our first stop was to visit my brother in the beautiful city of Santa Monica. Like any vacation, we seemed to eat our way through the day with sightseeing and a trip to the Boardwalk in between. Then we enjoyed an afternoon at the incredible Getty museum. What kid doesn't appreciate a masterpiece by Van Gogh? Well, at least we did. Dane, thanks for playing tour guide and showing us such a great time (I know it took a little practice in patience for you)!
An example of Dane practicing patience.

1 comment:

Scott McMillan said...

We love that museum!! I hope you found the kids room. Our boys love it. Congratulations on your baby. That is so exciting!! Please let me take Ellie anytime so you can get a much needed nap. We would love to have her over for a playdate.