Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Back to the Gym!

I say the word "back" very loosely because I've never really been a huge gym person. It makes me sick to think of the months of gym membership fees that we have paid without me ever going, not even once. I think I may have taken two yoga classes while I was pregnant. To my credit, I walk the dog every single day for 2-3 miles, rain or shine. This is not necessarily done by choice, but to save my own sanity before he drives me nuts with his incessant whining. For those who know me, you may have heard me complain about this once or twice. Thanks for listening.

I think part of my problem with going to the gym is that I build it up too much in my head and sometimes set unrealistic goals for myself. I know that I will never have abs of steal or be able to get through an aerobics class without feeling completely foolish for my lack of coordination. So what if I can only lift ten pounds of weights? At least I don't make obnoxious noisy grunts while doing it.

So...I decided that it was time. It's been fifteen weeks since I had a baby and my ass isn't going to get any firmer on it's own. I threw on my very not-so-cute ratty gym clothes and dropped Ellie off at the Kid's Club for a short time. It wasn't such a big deal at all. I got a nice little workout in, feel good, and Ellie did just fine without me. I will really try hard to keep this up. If I set reasonable goals for myself then I think I can do it. Two to three days a week for 45 minutes is good enough for me. Maybe abs of steal are in my future??? One never knows.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Go Paris! 1/2 the battle is actually getting to the gym!