I know I'm smiling in this picture, but I actually want to rip
someone's head off (I'm just joking...really). I'm 38 1/2 weeks now. The nights are
LONG and
HOT. Other than that, I can't complain too much (although I want to and I will if you'll listen).
I had a Dr.'s appointment this morning. Things are moving right along and progressing. My body is getting ready. I'll spare you of any further details. My Dr. said that there's a 50% chance I could go into labor before my actual due date. What is that supposed to mean? I think he's just playing with my emotions. After all,
everyone IS out to get me these days. My due date is only 11 days away, so I guess it doesn't make much of a difference.
Knute and I are as ready as we may ever be. There's a little more organizing the garage I would like to see happen, but I am trying to accept that the house is never going to look perfect.
Knute asks me what organizing the garage has to do with bringing home a baby. I'm not sure, but it does. I recognize that my thoughts are irrational, but I can't seem to help it for the time being. Wow...I sound like a real Loon.
Mostly, I can't wait for her to get here. I constantly imagine what she's going to look like and what she's going to be like. I can't stay out of her room. I love to sift through all her clothes and blankets. I want to make everything so perfect for her, but I know that the best thing I can provide for her is my love, and I have plenty of that. How can I already love someone so much that I haven't even met? It's so crazy to think how soon I get to meet her (
even though the days seem to be getting longer). She must be getting sick of the view in there. There's a whole exciting world to see out here. We are ready and waiting.