Monday, June 16, 2008

The Waiting Game

I know I'm smiling in this picture, but I actually want to rip someone's head off (I'm just joking...really). I'm 38 1/2 weeks now. The nights are LONG and HOT. Other than that, I can't complain too much (although I want to and I will if you'll listen).

I had a Dr.'s appointment this morning. Things are moving right along and progressing. My body is getting ready. I'll spare you of any further details. My Dr. said that there's a 50% chance I could go into labor before my actual due date. What is that supposed to mean? I think he's just playing with my emotions. After all, everyone IS out to get me these days. My due date is only 11 days away, so I guess it doesn't make much of a difference.

Knute and I are as ready as we may ever be. There's a little more organizing the garage I would like to see happen, but I am trying to accept that the house is never going to look perfect. Knute asks me what organizing the garage has to do with bringing home a baby. I'm not sure, but it does. I recognize that my thoughts are irrational, but I can't seem to help it for the time being. Wow...I sound like a real Loon.

Mostly, I can't wait for her to get here. I constantly imagine what she's going to look like and what she's going to be like. I can't stay out of her room. I love to sift through all her clothes and blankets. I want to make everything so perfect for her, but I know that the best thing I can provide for her is my love, and I have plenty of that. How can I already love someone so much that I haven't even met? It's so crazy to think how soon I get to meet her (even though the days seem to be getting longer). She must be getting sick of the view in there. There's a whole exciting world to see out here. We are ready and waiting.
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Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness you look amazing! Wow you have a little basketball under there! You're one of those adorable pregnant women who, from behind, don't look pregnant until they turn around and give you the shock of a lifetime. I'm SO excited for you guys and you're definitely nesting...the garage? Really? Haha. I love you!

Heather said...

Paris, you are so adorable and going to make such a wonderful mother. I'm so excited for you and Knute and can't wait to meet her. It was fun to be able to get together this weekend.

Remember, we are ready for just give us a call if you need us.

Can't wait for the exciting news on her arrival.

Jennifer said...

You look fantastic! Can't wait to meet your little girl. Get a post up as soon as you can -- :D